Quantum Healing Institute 

studies the impact of ART on the expansion of human POTENTIAL and the role of behavioral patterns in NATURAL (self)HEALING.

Quantum Healing Research Directions

Quantum Healing Institute focuses on the research in the following directions:

Art & Health: Metabolic Impact

The impact of art, and its visual, auditory, and vibrational stimuli, on metabolic processes in the body and on its physical well-being in general.

Cellular Nutrition & Modern Diet Trends

The role of balanced nutrition of cells and its mitochondria in the context of modern diet trends.

Promoting Health & Longevity: Global Perspectives

The role of behavioral patterns that promote health and longevity, against the backdrop of globalization, overpopulation and increasing life expectancy.

Person's Left Hand Holding Green Leaf Plant

Consequences of Information Overload

The consequence of information and data overload.  

Beige and Black Paint Brush on Surface

Enhancing Body Functions through Physical Activities

The role of various physical activities, including relaxation and meditation, in improving body functions. 

Neuromodulatory Reactions Study

Study of the body’s neuromodulatory reactions to human information influence and their adjustments using contact and non-contact methods

Modern Art

Exploring Unconscious Dynamics: Body, Ecosystem, Environment

The unconscious dynamics between the body, the ecosystem and the human-designed environment. 

Person's Left Hand Holding Green Leaf Plant
Beige and Black Paint Brush on Surface

About Quantum Healing Institute

Quantum Healing Institute pioneers research in art, nutrition, and behavior to enhance human potential and well-being.

Founded by Viktoria Kova, a visionary in holistic health and transformative healing techniques.

The Quantum Healing Institute: Research, Techniques, and Programs

The Quantum Healing Institute not only conducts research, but also develops techniques and programs for healing and achieving goals.

Our programs

We have currently developed two working programs as the subject of the further study.

Video & Sound Art Baths

Relaxation through immersive art.

This program offers a unique relaxation and rejuvenation experience through immersion in audiovisual artistic worlds. Combining video and sound art environments creates an atmosphere conducive to deep relaxation, stress relief, and energy restoration. Participants can immerse themselves in art and experience its healing effects on various aspects of their physical and emotional well-being.

Art Connect

Tapping in and receiving positive energy from objects of art.

This program provides an opportunity to connect with the positive energy contained in various art objects. Through visualization, meditation, and perception techniques, program participants learn to extract energy and inspiration from works of art. This helps them improve their emotional state, strengthen their connection with the surrounding world, and enhance their ability for creation and self-healing.

Correcting Body’s Compensatory Reactions with Exercise

Сorrection of stable compensatory reactions of the body with the help of physical exercises

Correcting Body’s Compensatory Reactions with Exercise» refers to using physical activities to adjust the body’s habitual compensatory responses. When the body experiences imbalance or stress, it may develop compensatory mechanisms to cope with these demands.

Our team

Viktoria Kova

Founder & General Director (The Netherlands)


Pavel Khoruzhyi

Managing Director Bodymechanic department (UAE)


Embark on Your Healing Transformation

Take the first step towards holistic well-being. Join us in exploring the art of healing and self-discovery.

Get in Touch With Us

For any inquiries or partnerships, feel free to contact us.





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